We gather every Sunday morning at 9:30AM for Worship service, followed by a fellowship time with coffee and refreshments. Sunday School for Adults, Seniors, Spanish speaking and Youth meet at 11:00AM. Unable to join us in person, join us online every Sunday morning at 9:30AM (PST). Join us for Weds. Night Supper, each Weds. night at 6:00PM we enjoy a meal together and all are welcome. Men, Women, Youth and Kids classes follow supper at 6:45PM-8:00PM. Nursery care is available.
Test Drive a Sermon. Want to know what you’re going to hear ahead of time, take a listen. Christ-centered teaching, relevant topics and daily encouragement in times of trouble, trial & discouragement.

Service Times: Sunday Worship Service from 9:30AM-10:30AM, followed by refreshments and fellowship in the Family Room. Sunday School for adults, seniors and children at 11:00AM. Youth Group meets in the Youth Zone at 11:00AM.
Wednesday Times: Supper for everyone is at 6:00PM to 6:45PM. Small group, Bible study classes for Men, Women, Kids & Youth begin at 6:45PM to 8:00PM.