Hello, I’m your host, Stuart Welch the Lead Pastor of Life Connection Church located in Modesto, CA and my co-host, my brother and dear friend John Cunningham Jr., who we lovingly call Brother JC, Pastor at Christ Centered Missionary Baptist Church in Hayward California.
I am so excited to welcome our guest today, Pastor Hasani Lateef, Forward Church in North Carolina and I know you will hear some tremendous insight, a few actionable tips that you can implement to improve in your pursuit of God and business through hearing Pastor Hasani, and I am confident that you will find at the very least some mild amusement along the way too.
Pastor Hasani is married with three children and after serving in student ministry for 20 years, he was led to launch Forward Church just over 3 years ago and prior to the pandemic.
In this episode, we discuss where Forward Church came from and how it came to be a church. How his wife and kids responded and have stepped into their respective roles. The challenges of a new church plant, a global pandemic and resilience in the face of great adversity.
The son of a Washington D.C. police officer and minister, he details how blessed he was to be raised by a loving caring dad and yet, having tremendous fear and respect for his dad in a godly sense. It was upbringing that supports his testimony of God’s trustworthiness and faithfulness and how he shares that with young people who perhaps were raised with no male influences in their lives.
So when God opens our eyes in Joy City we can clearly celebrate others for our differences, we can support one another in our efforts and we can cheer one another on in the spirit of unity and when One wins we all win.
No one can come face to face with what God is like and ever be the same. Welcome to Joy City. Seeing His true image, touches the depths of our soul and beholding His glory will renew our minds, transform us and give us strength to live this life for Him. Come on in, where the table is spread and the feast of the Lord is going on. I want to invite you to Joy City.
I’ve enjoyed being your host and you can comment below, or email me at pastorstuart@