CO-ED BASKETBALL Early Bird Registration
PARTICIPANT https://registration.upward.org/UPW81261
VOLUNTEER https://registration.upward.org/UPW81261/volunteer
This program is to introduce students and families to the community resources available at Life Connection Church. We are going to have a ball as we:
- Introduce the Fundamentals of Basketball;
- How to Relate to Coaches and Teammates;
- Learning the Skills of Communicating with Care and Encouragement for Others.
Assisting your child in education & growth with skills that are valuable, both on and off the court.
It’s Game Time!
Our plan is to hold practice Monday and Tuesdays, Thursday if necessary. You will only attend practice one time per week. Time will be determined by the number of teams, but approximately starting at 5 pm or 5:30 pm. Games will be played on Saturday, starting at 9 am and again depending on the number of teams your start time will be determined at a later date.
As you look at the attached flyer: the dates for early bird registration are listed. The dates practices start and the dates games start.
There is a discount when additional participants in one family are registered and there is also a discount for parent volunteers.
The participant registration links are below.
If you are going to volunteer, there is a volunteer registration included with the participant registration. It is in the participant registration link, below the participation info request.
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