Welcome to the
'23 Co-Ed Basketball League
We are excited to bring you another season of basketball for 3rd-8th grades. In this program players will learn about basketball, meet new friends, and have an opportunity to exercise in a safe encouraging and supportive environment.
The Willingness to Work Together to Achieve a Common Goal.
Fair and Generous Treatment of Others.
Ability to Get Through Obstacles and Challenges Successfully.

What’s Included In This 8 Week Program
- 3rd-8th Grades
- CO-ED Teams 3rd-5th Grades
- GIRLS/BOYS Teams 6th-8th Grades
- Mondays and Tuesdays Practices @ 5 PM
- Saturday Games
- Dry-Fit Game Jersey
- Short-Sleeve Practice T-Shirt
**Please anticipate a (2) week shipping period from time of order for all uniform shipments.
LCC Youth Sports League and Camps
LCC Youth Sports League and Camps presents our 8-week Co-Ed Basketball League. This program is designed to be a structured developmental basketball curriculum! Players will experience professional coaching, unique drills, customized attention, and competitive gameplay.
- Evaluation– December 28
- Practices– Every Monday or Tuesday. Starting January 2 through February 28.
- Game Days– Every Saturday. Beginning January 14 through March 4.
Early Bird Registration begins November 1–$75.00
After November 30 , Registration Fee-$86.00
Registration Ends DECEMBER 17
Discounts ($25 Off Second and Third Child)