World Missions
Life Connection Church supports 5 areas of FMC World Mission activities.
Life Connection Church Supports 5 Areas of FMC World Mission Activities.
Free Methodist World Missions
World Missions
Darin and Jill Land have ministered in Asia since 2009. Appointed career missionaries in June 2015, Darin now serves as associate Asia area director, and Jill fulfills various mentoring and administrative roles. Their ministry focus is training and credentialing Free Methodist leaders across Asia. Darin also works closely with Asia Area Director Eric to develop and implement mission strategy for the work in Asia.
Latin America
Glenn and Wendy Lorenz are based in Costa Rica where they come alongside the Costa Rica Mission District, as well as assisting leaders and churches in the rest of Central America. Glenn is part of the Pastoral Formation and Community Church Planting Implementation team for Latin America, developing systems and materials to train and ordain leaders and to multiply churches.
Phil and Debra Gilmore will begin their service in Spain in 2020. Phil will help develop a school of world missions and evangelism to provide training for those wanting to serve as missionaries in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East. Debra will help provide leadership at the Mosaic Cultural Centre, which aims to create opportunities for evangelism by providing desired community services.
Set Free Movement
Set Free Movement works to educate and enlist conscientious people to help stop human trafficking. There are tens of millions of slaves in our world today. Real slaves. Women, men, and children. Unable to walk away, under the threat of violence, forced to do things they don’t want to do. Our world is broken, but we are not powerless.
Seed partners with holistic livelihood groups connected to churches around the world to do micro-enterprise that makes sense in their local communities.